Android AppRater


The Android AppRater is a little tool in form of a source code snippet for getting better ratings in the Android Market. Its basic idea is to kindly ask users to rate your application, after they have been using it for a while. Which is a fair deal, because many users only give negative ratings right before uninstalling an application. This way, you only ask those users that are actively using your application.

For my own Android game Laska (light-version) the AppRater is not yet integrated in the current Market version. But it will be part of the next update. The dialog will only be shown if the app is installed for more than three days and has been launched at least seven times. And if you dismiss the dialog, it will not pop up again. This is what it looks like:

Of course, if the application is a piece of crap, this doesn’t help in any way. But for all other apps, it might be worth the effort.

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